
About Us

Lysigen is committed to become a world leader in anti-bacterial infections. Our goal is to save lives and improve anti-infective treatments.   

Talent Concept

Lysigen values talent, initiative, collaboration and commitment. Beyond this we are looking for individuals who are passionate about creating and commercializing great science.


Lysigen believes in employee career development. We believe that this means improving both company and individual performance through providing both formal training plans and on the job learning opportunities.

Lives of Employees

Lysigen tries to balance personal and corporate lives.  But, make no mistake, we look for individuals that are dedicated to improving healthcare through cutting edge science.

SIP Plan

Lysigen believes that employees should benefit from the value they create for the company.  Lysigen has established a Stock Incentive Plan for all employees. This plan is designed to  encourage employees to make contributions to the company and rewards them for doing so.

Please contact Zhou Dan at to learn more. We are currently hiring for many positions at our Wuhan facility.

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